02 May 2012

Q6. Cupcakes for the fair

This is for the older sister, who also likes maths, but loves dancing and singing much more.

There's a cake fair in Sidebay School every year, around Valentine's Day. This year there's a competition for the class that bakes and sell the most cupcakes. Fourth class won this year.

Between all the classmates in 4th class they baked 96 cupcakes. Two thirds ( 2/3 ) were sold for €1 each. Of what was left, half was sold in the sale for €0.50 each. The rest, I am afraid, was eaten by the hungry children in 4th class!

Your task is to find out how much money they make, but I am going to break down in little questions.

(a) How many cupcakes were sold for €1?

(b) How much money did they get for the €1 cupcakes?

(c) How many cupcakes were sold for €0.50?

(d) How much money did they get for the €0.50 cupcakes?

(e) How much money did they get altogether?

And an extra question just because:
(f) Assuming that each each ate one cake, how many children were they in 4th class?

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