26 March 2012

Plus, minus, multiplication and division

Sometimes when you are given a problem, the first thing you have to do is to work out if you need to add, divide, multiply or subtract. That's what we're going to practise today.

Here's the story:

There are two teachers in the Sidebay school. Ms Lane and Mr Mura.

Ms Lane's class has 30 students. Ms Lane was given 90 blank pages to give to her students. Answer the following questions:

(a) If she distributed all the pages equaly among her students, how many pages would each student get?
Work out first which operation you have to do (multiply, divide, add or subtract) then write down your answer.

(b) If instead she decided to give each student only two pages, how many pages would she have left?
This questions is a bit harder because there are two steps to get the final result. Try to work out on your own, if you get stuck, ready the tiny clues below.

First find out how many pages the students got altogether. Then find out how many pages were left.

(c) Suppose Ms Lane gave two pages to each student, and gave the remainder to Mr Mura to give to his class. Mr Mura has 15 students in his class. How many pages did Mr Mura's students get?

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